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Dorchester Center, MA 02124


After years of development, parts for the movie finally gather. Sony is distributed and funded, while Lively throws himself like Lily. She and Baldoni work to build relationships before shooting long text messages and conversations. However, creative tension builds early.

According to Baldoni’s complaints, Lively suggests that the scenario for the roof scene at the beginning of the movie at the beginning of the film and invites his director to his residence in New York on April 12, 2023.

Baldoni is surprised that he meets Lively’s husband, Ryan Reynolds and friend Taylor Swift, with two megastar praising the actress’s version of the scene. According to his lawsuit, the film’s director feels pressure to accept changes, and after that he is lively texts that he does not need a duo to separate, because he likes to happen on the scene.

April 14 Live texts Baldoni that Reynolds and Swift are her “dragons”, referring to Game of Thrones character Daenerys Targaryen. “If you ever come to view Game of ThronesYou will appreciate that I am Khaleesi, and like her, I accidentally have a few dragons, “he writes in the text.” For better or worse, but usually better. Because my dragons also protect those I fight for. ”

Baldonia is also transcribing the return over the scene to send a lively voice message at six in the morning to apologize for everything he did to upset her. At the end of the recording, Baldoni says, “You probably have children all over yourself and your baby on your boob, and you listen to me getting stronger at 2am.”

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