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The director of the trainee but Abbasi apologizes

Trainee Ali Abbasi’s director addresses the alleged incident that allegedly happened at CAA’s CAA party Golden Globes earlier this year.

The day after the news broke, the filmmaker took to x (early Twitter) on Saturday morning to apologize and explain his side. “I want to contact recent articles directly and openly,” he wrote. “I fully understand that my action made someone unpleasant, regardless of my intention, and that’s why I’m really sorry.”

Abbasi continued: “I spent time with a person who repeatedly had reason to think we had a friendly relationship. When I saw him at the Golden Globes’ party, I was excited to connect again. I made an excessively known gesture-šamar on the back-I intended as a playful and in any sexual way. I quickly realized that I misjudged the situation. I apologized to him on the spot, and the next day I made sure my apology was repeated to my representatives. ”

Hollywood reporter He reported on Friday that the director no longer represented the CAA and Enterinment 360 after the grape charges. However, Abbasi has previously cited a new career direction for his exit.

“The proposal that my representation rejected me because of this interaction is false,” Abbasi added in his statement about X. “My decision to separate was a long -term career decision that was not shaped by short motivations. I believe in taking over responsibility for my actions ; I made a mistake, I apologized and learned a valuable life lesson.

“I believe in taking responsibility for my actions; I made a mistake, I apologized and learned a valuable life lesson, “he concluded.” I remain grateful for the incredible work of our acting, crew and supporters to TraineeAnd I hope the focus remains on their achievements. “

TraineeActing Sebastian apartment as a young Donald Trump, he earned two Oscar nominations.

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