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The 37 Best Christmas Horror Movies

Christmas and horror aren’t two words that often go together — unless you’re talking about awkward family gatherings and crowded malls where you go holiday shopping. Despite this, scary slasher movies with characters doing things that would surely land them on Santa’s naughty list have increasingly become a popular Christmas movie genre for viewers looking for more screaming and hollering than good news and cheer. And if you’re one of those who likes a bit of Halloween gore mixed in with the winter holidays, then this preview is for you.

These dark takes on the winter holidays include everything from zombie elves to murderous mythical creatures and even a few killer clauses. Not to mention the sheer human evil that shows up on the doorsteps of families and neighbors, making for a gift no one wants to receive at Christmas. But if you’re looking for a few unconventional movies to add to your otherwise warm and fuzzy Christmas movie list, we promise these 37 titles will do the trick.

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