Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
If you work or live in a high building, you probably didn’t think much about people who clean the windows on the outside. Or if you have, you may have wondered that they had the courage to sit hundreds of meters above the ground on a small platform. But maybe you would like another look. One of them may be the only thing that prevents you from becoming a sacrifice in the gang of terrorists.
At least, this is unlikely a premise of the new action film by director James Bond Veterans Martina Campbell (Goldeneye,, Casino Royale) and plays Daisy Ridley as Joey, a window cleaner who is desperately fighting a gang of eco-design who took over the Energy Company building and took about 300 hostages.
Bottom line
‘Die Hard’ in a high office building-Oh, wait.
Exit date: Friday, February 21
Throwing: Daisy Ridley, Taz Skylar, Clive, Matthew Tuck, Ruth Gemmell
Director: Martin Campbell
Screenwriter: Simon Utley
Rated r, 1 hour, 36 minutes
Yes, Joey is the latest in a long series of unlikely action movie heroes that are wrong in the wrong place and fight the seemingly insurmountable prospect of survival. Except unlike John McClane, she has no unforgettable snacks.
However, there is a lot of history, with screenwriter Simon Uttley establishes a character through opening a scene in which she slept, rushed to the Care Center in which her neurodive brother Michael (Matthew Tuck) was kicked out, forced to take him to work with her and desperately trying to get to arrive there before her dominant boss release. Through all this, Joey shows the mood of anger and hair that later makes sense when we find out that she is a former army and she had to stop after entering a physical altercation with a male soldier.
Working late, while Michael is having fun in the building, Joey is forced to action when members of the “Earth’s Revolution” are represented as masked dancers, they take over a gala energy company with the aim of presenting their infamous business practices and even the murder of an investigation by a journalist. But soon it becomes clear that two group leaders have different goals. The older Marcus (Clive Owen) wants to raise public awareness of the company offenses. The more extreme Noah (Taz Skylar) wants to shed blood. “We agreed, without killing,” Marcus Noah reminded after killing one of the company managers, pushing a bottle of champagne down his throat. The resulting argument does not end well for Marcus.
This is how Joey was left, who hangs out helplessly outside the building, to prevent the plans of the attacker. She managed to send a dazzling “SOS” message to warn authorities, which initially suspect that she was one of the terrorists. But she eventually concludes an alliance with a female police supervisor (Ruth Gemmell, Bridgerton) that gives them the opportunity to engage in a friendly conversation that reveals character. Because when you are in a situation of life and death, you really want to talk about your personal life.
Director Campbell obviously knows his path around this type of material, which resulted in some tense, well -founded action string Cleaner Reasonable diverting for your concise running time. But the film never achieves the heights of classic actions that clearly inspired it and its excessive use of famous genre trops (once, it cannot be the main villain Netahovskysuch as many in real life?) soon becomes tired. And Clive Owen’s fans, once conceived as a potential James Bond, will be annoyed when they find out how little the screen has been. Not to mention that his character gets a particularly insufficient way out.
Although Ridley is trying and is certainly in accordance with the physical demands of her role, she is never fully convincing as the kind of bad that can tear down a group of terrorists, even while she cares infinitely about her brother. After her beautiful work in recent Young woman and seaShe is tearful to see her in the B-Action movie. Although to be fair, they will be scary, it will put the following next Star wars The movie together.