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Darkly smart German Fam-com

Like the Yorthimo Lanthimos Ko-Related movie with M. Night Shyamalan, Dark Supernatural Satire What Marielle knows (What Marielle knows) takes a Hollywood concept and turns it into a terrible comedy about a bourgeois family in a deep crisis.

The second place of German writer Frédéric Hambale is a big step from his debut without a budget, The Olympic Games modelwho mined a similar conceptual terrain. Surprisingly designed and well performed, if a little thin in the long run, the film premiered in a competition at Berlinale, where he could cause interest among the distributors of top Arthouse. It also has some remake potential-even wider version adapted to the audience probably have to eliminate all graphic conversations about sex and decay of children.

What Marielle knows

Bottom line

Paranormal Parent Path.

Place: Berlin Film Festival (Competition)
Honor: Julia Jentsch, Felix Kramer, Laeni Geiseler, Mehmet Ateci, Moritz Treuenfels
Director, screenwriter: Frédéric Hambale

1 hour 26 minutes

If the terrain is behind Shyamalan The sixth sense can summarize the famous line “I see dead people”, the main turnaround What Marielle knowsWhat happens at the very beginning of the movie would be something like, “I see everything my parents do.”

This inexplicable phenomenon has been struck by a titular teenage film (Laeni Geiseller) after her best friend hit her in the face. Odjednom, Marielle ima moć vidjeti i čuti što njezina majka Julia (Julia Jentsch) i otac, Tobias (Felix Kramer), rade li na poslu, vozeći se gradom ili u spavaćoj sobi s vratima s vratima Zatvoreno.

That this is a kind of perfect family, Dusk zone-The guess you would already be big problems. But Marielle’s people are far from ideal, even if a rather normal life on the surface of the water, with a large modern suburban home and a successful, well -paid executive affairs.

Behind that cheerful facade, Julia actually got involved in some heavy flirting (and under heavy, I mean a hard-r evaluation) with a colleague at work (Mehmet Athesci). In the meantime, Tobias cannot be opposed to the marketing team he leads to the publishing company, humiliating at a meeting that leaves him powerless. On the surface, the couple turns out that everything is fine, but when their daughter explains that he now has a X -ray vision to see in their lives, they are forced to adapt their behavior accordingly.

This causes all kinds of dark comic and dramatic moments as we ask interesting questions: Are we the same people inside and outside the family unit? What does it mean to be faithful to yourself, because Julia keeps saying that she should be, if the truth could be the injured those you love? Is life just one big appearance in which we pretend to be someone else constantly?

The fact that Marielle can now openly judge everything her parents do, react with fear and disgust. First, they try to behave better or at least turn, but it just makes things worse. Then they reject the whole situation with doubled transgressions – whether Julia took her office too far or Tobias, who tries to confirm her power at the company, just to regain it in a bad way.

Hambale steps well with the action, allowing things to make the snowy balls more discomfort and miserable. He also mines his concept for a few good laughs, including little where Julia and Tobias speak in French, because they know that their daughter will not understand them in another Langauge, which is a lot of parents in the real world.

What Marielle knows Basically, a high -concept social experiment is designed to prove that our private lives are probably the best maintained private. This is not a revolutionary idea, but the movie uses its smart ideas to remind us how important it is, especially at a time when people advertise every thought and work on social networks. (At some point, Marielle’s parents are convinced that their pirates are their phone to spy on them.)

Where the film is felt is underdeveloped in the plot in which Marielle herself participated. He never meets as a real character, but more like a code for all the hijinks to play. There are some tips that her parents may have been neglected, though their relationship does not look problematic enough when the action begins. While mom and dad have a convincing narrative arches, Marielle does not work much throughout the movie, except for the mope around with her telepathy powers-until we are sharply open to the finals, let us ask if such power will ultimately surpass the story.

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