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Is Ed Sheeran in the Berlin Film Festival? No, Wesley Byrne is.

If you are watching the Austrian writer Florian Pochlatko’s debut debut How to be the normal and strangeness of another world (How are you normal and the strangeness of another world) In the Perspective 75 program. And how did the hell get it?

It’s not a coincidence. Pochlatko’s movie, among other things, reflects on questions like it really is and what is normal.

The actors of the film is led by Luisa-Céline Gaffron (And tomorrow the whole world) And at the same time Elke Winkens, Cornelius Obunya and Felix Pöchhacker, among others. And yes, the British chief protagonist Pia Meets is called Ned and is very resembled by Ed Sheeran. But the acting name is Wesley Byrne, and he is a street cleaner who lives in the area of ​​Veliki Manchester.

IMDB attributes it to the movie as Wesley Joseph Byrne. But the 32-year-old says Thr That “Wesley Byrne is fine.” Through zoom, Byrne also talked to ThrGeorg Szalai about how he ended up in the movie about Berlinale, when he started to sin for a music star, what kind of fun he enjoys and the time he actually needed to meet Sheerana.

Director How to be normal He tells me that he has found out about you online and how many people sometimes think you are Ed Sheeran. And then he thought you would make a great character in his movie that fits his world, which is slightly excluded. How did the movie team convince you to be in the movie?

Byrne It really didn’t take much convincing. Someone found me on Facebook. They told me about it, and I looked at everything to make sure it was legal because I get a lot of miracles. I ended up with messages and then got in touch with Florian, and they just flew out there.

What did they tell you about the role? Did you get the script?

Florian sent me a small scenario. Obviously, I say very little, because I’m not an actor. He sent me a script and everything, and we just had a small video chat over Zuma. And I guess he liked it.

You never starred before?

Before this? No, never.

What did you consider the biggest challenge of acting? Or was there something particularly tricky at first?

Not looking at the camera. I don’t think I have done it many times. But there was a whole shot where I only had to look over the camera, and I was just screaming in my own head, “Don’t look down! Don’t look down! The camera is there.”

Before and after – Wesley Byrne had to prepare for a scene without a T -shirt in How to be the normal and strangeness of another world With fake tattoos to look more like Ed Sheeran. The kindness of Wesley Byrne.

This was not just your first movie as an actor, but you also had to make a sex scene. How was that?

I’m not lush. We had an intimacy coordinator. So, we talked in advance what we were comfortable with. So there was nothing crazy. You know, she really wasn’t on me. It was just a nice little camera trick. It was fun to explain to your girlfriend.

What was the strangest or funniest thing you had to do for the movie?

Probably sex sounds. That was the weirdest thing because I had to do it separately. I just had
Let’s lie down there and make a sound in this small closed set. And Florian said, “Now tell her she’s beautiful and talk this.” And I’m trying not to giggle.

There is a scene to which reference refers to Matrix. How was it creating that scene in which your voice is key?

I just stood there reading in the microphone. Florian told me I just remember the scene from Matrix where neo tries to escape. So I was just trying to channel my inner morpheus. I’m not Laurence Fishburne, but you know, I did what I could.

Would you open to pick up more acting roles?

I’ll just check what’s coming. I make up this as I go on. I don’t have a plan. I have a really bad short -term memory, and even a little text I said I struggled to remember. I don’t understand how people remember all the scripts. On the flight, I only read my little again.

When did people start wrong for Ed Sheeran?

It was before he became famous at all, before he did And the team. It’s been about 10 years (or more). One of the first time I heard him, I was at the Iron Maiden concert and I didn’t even know who he was. And a woman just looked at me and she left, “What are you doing here?!” I was like, “What are you doing?! What do you mean?”

Do you sing or make music?

No, I can’t sing, I can’t play anything.

How boring you are when people ask you for an autograph ed sheeran or selfie?

It just annoys me only when I am eating me or something like my girlfriend, and people come to us and bother us. It’s the only way to really get on my nerves. The second time I am kind of cold about it. That’s what it is. If I had bothered, I would have (shaved) my head.

How to betray people and tell them you are not really ed?

Many times, no. I just let them go, and then they leave me alone. If I stop there and try to explain everything, it lasts too long. I give them what they want and send them on their way because it’s so easier.

Did people make you wrong for Ed Sheeran when you went to Austria to shoot or have you had other fun experiences?

The people who just won the Eurovision (2022) for Ukraine were staying at the hotel where I stayed. I got cooled with them in the lobby of the hotel. I just sat and drank with them for a while.

Have you ever met Sheeran himself and, if yes, how was it?

Yes, I was his double advertisement body that worked for tomato ketchup. It was super cold. He just thanked me for being there. He is a really good guy.

Ed Sheeran and Wesley Byrne … Well, in fact, Wesley Byrne (left) and Ed Sheeran (right). The kindness of Wesley Byrne.

Did you see him at the concert?

I went to watch him with my sister and nephew at the Etihad Stadium (in Manchester), and they moved us to the (area) VIP (area) for free.

How is that?

Security came and moved us. I think it was because too many people were painting. To be honest, the turn went all the way to the stadium stadium, which caused a bit of hassle.

What kind of music do you like?

A little bit of everything. I am mostly rock and metal guy, but sometimes I listen to some classic, some pop, something hip hop, anything, music in different languages.

Do you like these movies too?

Yes, I look at all kinds. I just had to get rid of all my DVD because my unit collapsed. I just kept my blondes and boxes, that’s it.

Do you have a favorite movie?

Probably AvengersBecause I’m a big comic striking.

If they offered you a role in the future Avengers Movie, any character you would like to play?

I’m not in good shape to play none of them. When I first learned of this movie, I lost about 15 pounds because I obviously knew I would be without shirts. I am a qualified PT (physical therapist), so I know how to lose weight, get muscles and all that.

I heard you wanted, but I couldn’t attend the premiere of the Berlin Film Festival How to be the normal and strangeness of another world. Why not?

I gave my boss a month, but they would still not let me do it. I would love to help the team, get some more attention to the movie wherever I could. They did everything they could for me. Yes, I just feel bad that I can’t be there for them. The premiere (date) is actually my girlfriend’s birthday. So the plan was to go to Berlin on his birthday.

Anything else you would like to share?

Honestly, how beautiful everyone was on the movie. There was no ego. Everyone could act except me. But everyone made me feel great, super comfortable. Everyone was super beautiful. We all went out for a drink. It felt like I had known them for years. I just have nothing wrong to say. I just want more people to watch this movie and I just hope it really will be well and everyone gets what they deserve from it.

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